today's howtos
History of history command in linux | Linux Webhosting blog
The history command in Linux is a useful tool that allows users to view a list of previously executed commands. This command is especially useful for users who frequently use the command line interface (CLI) to execute a series of commands, as it allows them to easily access and repeat previous commands without having to remember and type out the full command.
The history command was first introduced in the Unix operating system in the early 1970s, and has been a staple of the Linux CLI ever since. This command is typically used in conjunction with other commands, such as grep, to search for specific commands in the history list.
7 ways to look at network connections on Linux | Network World
Whether you’re managing a network at work or just watching out for your home systems, it’s important to understand your network connections--how you communicate with public systems and those on the local network. This article covers some of the most important commands available on Linux to help you get a clear understanding of your local network and how it reaches outside.
While the links provided include important tips on using network commands, some include commands that have been deprecated in favor of newer commands. Some of the most important commands to know today include ip a, ip neigh, ping, tracepath, dig, tcpdump and whois.
Install Just 7 Apps to Use Your Raspberry Pi Like a Work PC
Your PC has broken down, and you can’t get to the repair shop until the weekend. A deadline is due, and all you have is a Raspberry Pi single-board computer.
What do you do?
Well, you use the Raspberry Pi. But what about all those important office and productivity apps? Incredibly, all the office software you need is available on Raspberry Pi, from word processors and spreadsheets to video conferencing and cloud storage.
Sudo Configuration on Ubuntu and Linux Mint - OSNote
System administrators can allow a user to execute any command without any passwords using Sudo rights, also known as superuser do. This command temporarily elevates privileges, allowing users to do crucial tasks without logging in as the root user. As a result, you must authenticate yourself by entering your login credentials into the system, confirming that you have the appropriate rights to perform tasks.
However, providing this information again overtakes time, but there is a way that you can use it to disable the authentication. As a result, this article will show you how to create a password-less sudo on Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
Beginners Guide for Chsh Command in Linux
Many Linux distributions ship Bash as the default login shell, but if you want to replace it with another shell like ZSH or Fish, then you can use the chsh command to change the existing or specific user login shell.
In this article, you will learn the usage of the chsh command with practical examples.
Beginners Guide for Mkdir Command in Linux
In UNIX/Linux, the mkdir command is used to create single or multiple directories (also referred to as folders in some operating systems) in the current working directory.
If the specified directory is already present in the current working directory, then the “File exists” error will be thrown unless the “-p” flag is not assigned.
Apart from that, you can also specify the permission in character or numeric while creating the directory, but to perform all this action, you should have proper permissions.
In this article, you will learn all about the mkdir command with practical examples.