today's howtos
Day 54: testing for the support of a selector
Support for a CSS property isn’t the only thing you can check with @supports(), you can also check support for a selector.
I knew you can check whether a property is supported by the current browser and apply styles accordingly.
Day 53: disabling pull-to-refresh
On day 47, I introduced you to the overscroll-behavior property, and I showed you how to use it to disable scroll-chaining. There’s another feature we can disable using this property.
In some mobile browsers, you can refresh the page by swiping down when the page is scrolled to the very top. That's called pull-to-refresh. This is a great feature, but depending on what the user’s interacting with on the page, this can be undesirable.
My story of using Linux libvirt/KVM to get an ad hoc remote desktop
The other day, I was working from home and wanted to bisect Firefox versions with mozregression (in order to chase down my Firefox window to tab bug). This normally works okay, but this time around there were two intertwined problems with it. The first was that mozregression's downloads were unusually slow, even for my home DSL link. The second is that having Firefox start up at random, delayed times is kind of disruptive to what else I was doing. The second factor is always there, but unpredictably slow downloads make it worse (when they're fast enough, I don't try to do anything else during a mozregression run).
Fixing “E: Unable to locate package” Error on Ubuntu
The Linux command line environment has many functionalities. One of its primary roles is the installation and management of Linux software packages. There are several approaches to installing packages on Ubuntu Linux.
One of them is via the apt package manager, which is used to install a Linux package and may or may not always yield results. Due to various to-be-explained reasons, package installation failure via apt may yield the error message E: Unable to locate the package.
How to Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu [GUI & Terminal]
Google Chrome is arguably one of the most popular and widely used browsers across all computing platforms. It’s a fast, user-friendly, and intuitive browser that provides a vast array of features to provide a streamlined browsing experience.
Unfortunately, Firefox is the default browser that ships with most graphical Linux distros. With that in mind, you need to go an extra step and practically install the Google Chrome browser on your distribution.
This tutorial will teach you how to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu Linux. Basically, there are two main ways of installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu – Installing graphically and via the command line.
How to Install Google Chrome on Rocky Linux 9 | Rocky Linux 8
Rocky Linux users know that Firefox is, by default, installed on most Linux. This is no exception when it comes to Rocky Linux. However, as good as Firefox, desktop users may often prefer installing another web browser, in this case, Google Chrome which is still the most prominent used browser worldwide. With so many Google Chrome updates that are pushed as a result of being so popular, having the browser directly installed from the source instead of waiting for a maintainer from a third party to push it is better. Also, as a bonus, people who like testing edge software can install the beta or unstable repository builds using the same technique, with a bit of modification to the commands.
In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Google Chrome on Rocky Linux 9 or Rocky Linux 8 using the command line terminal and Google’s DNF repository for the latest version binary at all times. This ensures if an urgent update is required, you do need to wait for it to become live on a third-party repository.
How to Install Foobar2000 on Arch Linux - Manjaro - Linux Nightly
Learn how to install Foobar2000 music player on Arch Linux and Manjaro using Wine, AUR, or Snap package manager.
How to Install Fish Shell (with Starship) in Linux
The Fish is a modern (friendly interactive shell) program identical to its allies, like Bash and Zsh, but with sprinkles on top. What does that mean?
You already know about the Bash shell (because it’s the default login shell for most Linux distros) and the Zsh shell (don’t know about it, check out our detailed guide article).
Both shells are amazing, but one lacks a feature (referring to Bash) and the other requires manual configuration (referring to ZSH); taking advantage of that gap, Fish Shell arises.
How to Install Zsh (with Oh-My-Zsh) in Linux
Bash is the default shell for most of the Linux distributions, but it is not the only one; there are other shell interpreters like ZSH (and Fish) that are available.
Kali Linux and macOS Catalina were early adopters of ZSH as the default login shell, replacing the standard Bash (although Bash is available in this system as an alternative).
But because Bash is the default on most Linux systems, people often forget about the Zsh shell. This is disgraceful, because once you try ZSH, you will never go back to Bash.
How to List Installed Packages With Pacman - Linux Nightly
Learn how to list installed packages and dependencies with Pacman package manager. Also see how to count total number of installed packages.
How to analyze a Linux process’ memory map with pmap | Enable Sysadmin
Use the pmap command to explore how a process is mapped in memory to monitor or troubleshoot memory usage.
How to go to root directory in Linux
The root directory on a Linux system, which is represented by the / character, is the parent path to all files on the installation’s partition. All operating systems have a root directory. If you are familiar with Windows systems, they use the C:\ path as their root directory.
You will see references to the root directory all of the time. Even when looking at the absolute path to a random file, such as /home/linuxconfig/example.txt, you can see the / at the very beginning of the file path, which indicates the root directory. From this path, we can also derive that home is directly inside of the root directory /.
The term “root directory” can sometimes also be confused with the home directory for the root user account. This is typically located at /root, and resides one directory deep within the root directory /. The /root path is treated as any typical user’s home directory, and does not serve a similar purpose to that of the root directory /.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to navigate to the root directory on a Linux system. This means both the top most directory in the file system, /, and the root user’s home directory /root. Read on to learn how.