Docker and Kubernetes Leftovers
Technical Posts Overview and Roundup
Docker is interesting because it solves three different problems – (1) a runtime to execute workloads in a distributed system, (2) a packaging format for production artifacts, and (3) a developer tool.
When to Use Docker Compose vs.Kubernetes - Earthly Blog
As a developer, you’ll have likely heard about Docker Compose and Kubernetes–two of the most popular container orchestration tools on the market. If you’re just getting started with these technologies, it can be hard to know which one to choose.
In this article, you’ll learn about Docker Compose and Kubernetes, and compare them based on their features and use cases. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of which tool is right for you.
Forensic container checkpointing in Kubernetes | Kubernetes
Forensic container checkpointing is based on Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace (CRIU) and allows the creation of stateful copies of a running container without the container knowing that it is being checkpointed. The copy of the container can be analyzed and restored in a sandbox environment multiple times without the original container being aware of it. Forensic container checkpointing was introduced as an alpha feature in Kubernetes v1.25.