Programming Leftovers
Set up automated software testing with this open source platform |
Automated testing is an important stage of development. It helps you ensure code quality, discover bugs before they ship, and guarantee that an application works the way it's intended to work. Deployment of automated tests is rapidly becoming a top priority for companies all over the world.
The latest release of the Cerberus Testing platform offers a series of new features and improvements to allow you to easily set up automated tests for your software engineering team.
Build an interactive timeline in React with this open source tool |
For several years, I worked in the TV online and video-on-demand (VOD) industry. While working on a scheduler web application, I realized that there were no good solutions for electronic program guides (EPG) and scheduling. Admittedly, this is a niche feature for most web developers, but it's a common requirement for TV applications. I've seen and analyzed a number of websites that have implemented their own EPG or timeline, and I often wondered why everyone seemed to be inventing their own solutions instead of working on a shared solution everyone could use. And that's when I started developing Planby.
Planby is a React (JavaScript) component to help you create schedules, timelines, and electronic program guides (EPG) for online TV and video-on-demand (VOD) services, music and sporting events, and more. Planby uses a custom virtual view, allowing you to operate on a lot of data, and present it to your viewers in a friendly and useful way.
Planby has a simple API that you can integrate with third party UI libraries. The component theme is customised to the needs of the application design.
2 practical ways to use the Python subprocess module | Enable Sysadmin
Learn how to run Bash commands and scripts within your Python scripts using the subprocess module.