Videos: Tiling Window Managers, Shredding Files, and More
3 Years Of Daily Driving Linux Tiling Window Managers - Invidious
I absolutely adore tiling window managers they now my preferred way of using my Linux system so I thought I'd go over what my workflow looks like after all this time.
Before trashing your hard drive don't do this. It can cost you all of your personal files - Invidious
using rm to delete files does nothing under the hood. the files data remains on your system and any forensic tool can recover it easily. on unix/linux there is a command line utility to securely delete files called shred, this program will overwrite data making it much harder to recover data that was deleted.
How to pronounce Open Source - Linux words - Invidious
Curious how to properly say "GNOME"? Linux? GNU? Ubuntu? Mozilla? Let's walk through exactly how to pronounce some of the Open Source & Linux world's most challenging words... the Lunduke Way (tm).
Mystery Box | LINUX Unplugged 485
We dig into Shufflecake, a tool that lets Linux users hide data with plausible deniability, then let our live stream SSH into our server and see if they can discover our secret data.
Plus, we follow up on Brent's never-ending desktop distro search and Chris' new Linux rig.