Programming Leftovers
2022.47 Migratory - Rakudo Weekly News
This year has seen a lot of migrations. In the real world sadly, but also online: the FreeNode fiasco comes to mind, and now Twitter appears to be going the same direction. So it was a good opportunity to start an official channel for the Raku Programming Language on Mastodon:, run by members of the Raku Steering Council. This will replace the two Twitter accounts that were run by Moritz Lenz and Roman Baumer.
Yours truly found out today that you can actually “follow” a tag on Mastodon. To follow the #RakuLang tag, the relative URL is /tags/RakuLang on your local Mastodon instance, so e.g. Why the CamelCase? Aren’t tags case insensitive? They are indeed, but by camelcasing them, you make it easier on the people that need to use screen readers, as screenreaders take the capital letters as hints for pronunciation.
Return of Kephra | lichtkind []
Juhuu, released Kephra 0.401 in the spirit release early - release often. It is the start of a complete rewrite. So it's back to zero: now it can only edit one file at a time and has only Perl highlighting and UTF-8 or ASCII encoding. But some of you will still want to use it (beside vi, emacs, VStudio or atom - I know) because of the comfort in basic editing it provides. The following article explains what I mean by that.
Basic editing means writing, crafting, forming a text without big IDE features like refactoring, linting and such. It is surprising how deficient, especially big IDE are in that field, where a little coding and much attention to details works wonders.
It starts with tiny things like: in Perl $ @ % are word character because part of an identifier. And when you navigate the next you want skip a whole var at once or select it, without additional key twiddling. You want also navigate between matching braces, from block to block or from sub so sub or just easily return to place you just wrote something (Ctrl+E). All that by just holding Ctrl for minimal finger movement.
RcppClassic 0.9.13 on CRAN: Minor Update
A maintenance release 0.9.14 of the RcppClassic package arrived earlier today on CRAN. This package provides a maintained version of the otherwise deprecated initial Rcpp API which no new projects should use as the normal Rcpp API is so much better.
The changes is. CRAN was reporting (for all four macOS builds, and only there) that an absolute path was embedded, so we updated the (old …) call to install_name_tool use on that (and only that) OS. No other changes were made.
Qt for MCUs - Lists & Highlights
Qt for MCUs provides a lighter version of the mainstream Qt to be able to effortlessly run on devices having lower RAM, Flash, and CPU availability. That being said it would imply developers coming from the Qt mainstream world may have to work with certain limitations while implementing HMI for MCUs.
Even with limitations when it comes to HMI we still want to see something fancy and give our users a smooth experience and as developers, we want to challenge ourselves and develop smooth HMI with the constraints of the HMI framework and the obvious hardware constraints of MCUs.
Lists being common in the various HMI designs, the same stands for MCU designs, but, unlike the Listview feature of mainstream Qt with functionalities like Cachebuffer, highlight, highlight begin & end, currentIndex, currentItem, are not available in Qt for MCUs. What is available out of the box with lists in Qt for MCUs is model, delegate which helps us create a basic view.
Is there a note-taking app that beats Vim, Markdown, and Git?: Dissociated Press
Usually I avoid post titles / headlines in the form of a question, but I’m genuinely curious: Have you found a good note-taking app that’s ultimately better than just plain text files in Markdown with Vim (optionally synced with Git)?
I’ve tried lots of apps like Joplin, Obsidian, and services like HackMD, but tend to get frustrated with them quickly. It may just be my impatience, if I stuck with one longer than a week or two I’d get the hang of it. I learned Vim as a job requirement (long story) and had to stick out the learning curve.
How to rotate an actor with Raylib without math knowledge | AksDev
I wanted to write down how I made the enemy characters in Artificial Rage rotate towards the player, since I couldn’t find a simple answer.
Most things I found was math. Now math is fun and good, but when you’re tired and want to get one thing just to work at 4 am, it’s not gonna help you.
Especially since I’ve never learned linear algebra at any school I’ve went to (or I just likely don’t remember), and double especially since all the math lingo is in English and I have no idea what any of it means!!!
Getting Gooder at math is on my eternal to-do list, but anyhow, for those like me who just need to get something done, here’s how I did it.
First off, I just wanted the character to rotate around it’s Y-axis: If you would stick a.. well stick in a grape and twirl the stick in your fingers, that’s the Y-axis of the grape. This means the following snippet does not take account the other axises. But I’m sure it could be used for it.
KDE is hiring a software engineer - Adventures in Linux and KDE
Yes that’s right folks, it’s happening!!! KDE is growing up, joining the big leagues, and cooking on all burners!
The KDE e.V. recently dipped its toes into the waters of technical hiring by contracting with longtime KDE contributor Ingo Klöcker to maintain and improve KDE’s packaging infrastructure for non-FOSS platforms. Now we’re at it again with a new open position for a “Software Platform Engineer.”
This is an open-ended development position, with responsibilities for work on KDE frameworks, Plasma, Qt, middleware like Pipewire and Wayland protocols–basically, the same things that a lot of people are already doing. But… on a consistent work-work basis, for money, with your KDE friends as professional colleagues and supervisors!