Programming Leftovers
Nushell: Introduction to a new kind of shell
In a nutshell, nushell is non-POSIX shell, so most of your regular shells knowledge (zsh, bash, ksh, etc…) can't be applied on it, and using it feels like doing functional programming.
It's a good tool for creating robust data manipulation pipelines, you can think of it like a mix of a shell which would include awk's power, behave like a SQL database, and which knows how to import/export XML/JSON/YAML/TOML natively.
OCaml Tips: Implementing a range Function
There are many ways we can implement something similar in OCaml, with the simplest one probably being to use List.init internally: [...]
A minimal RocksDB example with Zig
This post is going to be a mix of RocksDB explanations and Zig explanations. By the end we'll have a simple CLI over a durable store that is able to set keys, get keys, and list all key-value pairs (optionally filtered on a key prefix).
Website Fidelity: Browser Perspective
Website owners aren’t necessarily incentivized to start stripping stuff out of their websites in order to support lower fidelities (including a fidelity of zero JavaScript). What you need is like an agent: somebody who works on your behalf as a user and can do for you what site owners won’t — a user agent if you will 🥁.