Programming Leftovers
Bryan Cantrill on Rust and the Future of Low-Latency Systems
In eager anticipation of Cantrill’s return for P99 CONF 2022, let’s take a look back at his talk on “Rust, Wright’s Law and The Future of Low-Latency Systems.” He predicted the coming decade will see two important changes with profound ramifications for low-latency systems: the rise of Rust-based systems, and the ceding of Moore’s Law to Wright’s Law.
In this talk, he discusses these two trends, and especially their confluence — explaining why he believes the future of low-latency systems will include Rust programs in some surprising places.
Want cleaner code? Use the rule of six
The key is:
Every line does only one thing
One line, one task.
But don't go crazy with it.
A line of code containing 6+ pieces of information should be simplified.
Game of Trees 0.76 released.
Game of Trees 0.76 was released on September 23rd, 2022.
Got-portable Changelog
This file details portable-specific changes to make things work on systems other than OpenBSD.
All changes are on top of the versioned changes listed in CHANGES.
Perl Basics
This discussion of Perl Basics is intended to complement, not replace, other Perl resources, such as published texts and reference books or network libraries and discussion groups. How?
It will try to do two things. First, it will provide a succinct summary of major Perl elements. Second, it will provide perspective and relate features to one another. Thus, it will be a kind of extended and structured checklist, with commentary.
The discussion will be built around answering two questions:
What are the things Perl provides you to work with?
What can you do to those things?
When hackers grow old
You – yes, even you – cannot count on retaining your mental flexibility into middle and old unless you work at it. You have to practice busting out of comfortable mental grooves and regularly checking your assumptions when you’re young, and you have to develop a habit of it that sustains into old age.
It’s said that the best time for a middle-aged person to start (physically) exercising is thirty years ago. I think the same goes for the habits that might (might!) keep you mentally agile at 56, or 65. Push your envelope. Develop the regular practice of challenging yourself and exiting your comfort zone now so you’ll have it established when you really need it.
You have to be realistic about this; there’s an optimal-challenge level where you choose an attainable goal and work mentally hard for it. This month I’m going to learn go. Not the game, I already play that (though not very well); the programming language. Not because I really need to for a specific project, but because it’s time to stretch myself.
Develop that habit. And never let it go.