Videos: Immutable Linux Distros, GTA Online - The Casual Criminals, and Web Censorship
Debunking 7 Myths About Immutable Linux Distros - Invidious
Immutable Linux distros are this fangled way of using Linux and as one might expect it comes with it's detractors even for things that aren't real problems
GTA Online - The Casual Criminals • ep1 // Linux - Invidious
A pre-preview "episode" of Casual Criminals, a series where a pair of dirt bags in GTA online fumble around looking for easy money but usually only finding trouble, a jail cell, a hospital bed, or all of the above. The POV is from Teal1500 (so, not me) and shot in first-person because I really like the immersive feel that GTA has and I think it lends itself well to a silly RP like this because of how jank GTA's controls are. I've been role playing my character in GTA for a while and I thought it would be fun to try to put a story together for him. Teal and I recorded this video from Teal's perspective to see if doing a GTA roleplay would be any good. As it turns out, it is! Not entirely sure how much effort (if any) I will put into maintaining this "series". I have one more episode planned but if y'all think it's good, I might put together a few more.
Oh No, My Favorite Websites Got SHUT DOWN (again) - Invidious
Kiwi farms and some other sites that would probably hurt the algorithm if I put them in this description got shut down, and Kiwi got all its archives purged from Internet censorship is going to continue to grow, the threshold for being "harmful and or dangerous" will continue to lower.