Gemini Articles of Interest
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Daily-Driving the PinePhone
Yesterday was the first day I went outside my house with the intent to daily-drive the PinePhone. This included swapping the SIM-card from my old Android into the PinePhone. I still had my old Android with me though, if anything went wrong. So how did it go? I would neither call it a success nor a complete failure. Maybe a success with a bit of unluck would be the most fitting description.
Freezr "P.E.B.C.A.K."
All the morning trying to figuring out why I couldn't run the `vncsever` through a crontab @reboot job... Let me say this is a shared P.E.B.C.A.K. with hundreds and hundreds off people with the same problem and without a clear solution... And this is one of the reason why Linux sometimes pisses me off very, very, badly... There is a shared problem and nobody has solution but you can find countless of fake solutions and useless workarounds that never work… But those are there to create mess, confusion, clickbait, for whatever anyother reason but not solve the problem, I refer all these bullshi
Video - talk about NixOS deployments tools
At work, we have a weekly "knowledge sharing" meeting, yesterday I talked about the state of NixOS deployments tools.
I had to look at all the tools we currently have at hand before starting my own, so it made sense to share all what I found.
This is a real topic, it doesn't make much sense to use regular sysadmins tools like ansible / puppet / salt etc... on NixOS, we need specific tools, and there is currently a bunch of them, and it can be hard to decide which one to use.
Running gotwebd behind nginx
The latest release of the Game of Trees control version systems includes a brand-new repository web interface: gotwebd. It was written by tracey@ and it's going to replace the "old" CGI script, also written by him.
* Gemini links can be opened using Gemini software. It’s like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.