Programming Leftovers
Build a Kanban based project management tool with this Open-source React Dashboard
Kanban is a framework and a method for organizing and implementing agile project management system for software development.
It is originally developed as scheduling system for lean manufacturing Taiichi Ohno for Toyota to streamline automotive manufacturing processes.
As you all know, Redis sorted sets are derived from the regular sets where each member is ordered by its score value in ascending order. If two or more members hold the same score value, they are ordered by lexicographical order. Usually, the members and scores can be directly retrieved using the ZRANGE command. When you have a big sorted set with thousands of members, the ZRANGE command might block the server for a long time like the SMEMBERS and KEYS commands which is a drawback. So, Redis offers a special command called ZSCAN which is derived from the SCAN command to iterate over the members of a sorted set. Since the ZSCAN command inherits from the SCAN command, almost all the behaviors are the same as the general purpose SCAN command.
Redis LSET
A Redis list is a data structure that holds a sequence of string elements in the insertion order. It is based on Linked List. So, the insertion of an element at the head and tail is performed in constant time. The only downside of the Redis lists is that querying elements by an index is a bit costly, which takes time directly proportional to the index of the accessing element. The reason behind the Linked list-based implementation is to make the data insertion faster for a very long list of items.
Tkinter Progress Bar
You may update the client on the status of a lengthy process with a progress bar widget. The widget’s goal is to provide the user confidence that something is occurring. It has two different modes of operation. When in determinate mode, the widget displays an indication that travels in a predetermined direction. The widget is moved in an indeterminate state to allow the client an impression that something is happening. The signal oscillates back and forth between the extremities of the widget throughout this style. The usage of determinate and indeterminate progress bars in Python will be covered in this tutorial.
Let’s start with the configuration of a Tkinter library of Python. After the successful launch of the terminal, try the following query to configure the Tkinter package. Make sure to have Python already installed before using this instruction.
Pandas Fuzzy Match
Fuzzy string matching is the term that best describes the process of locating similar strings. We’re going to make use of the fuzzywuzzy library. Despite having a silly name, it is a widely used library for string matching. The fuzzywuzzy package offers a few strong functions that is helpful in fuzzy string matching, including calculating the Levenshtein distance. In this article, we’ll look at how to use Python to perform fuzzy matches on the DataFrame column in pandas. We can identify matches using fuzzy matching, which finds patterns in the target object or items even when it doesn’t match exactly. Search engines are built on fuzzy matching. Because of this, every time we enter a search term into a browser, we receive numerous recommendations or suggestions.
How to Install Java in Linux Mint 20.3
Java is one of the most widely used high level programming languages available in the market. Along with that, this programming language is extremely easy to learn and once you get your hands on it, it will help you a lot with the complex programmatic tasks. In this guide, we will learn to install the Java programming language on a Linux Mint 20.3 system together.
How to Use Regex Whitespace in Java
Regex or Regular Expression is a set of special characters that combine to form a pattern to search characters in strings. In computer programming and software engineering, learning regex will be very helpful in finding information in any text. All kinds of text search, formatting, and text replacement operations can be carried out using regular expressions.
This tutorial will guide you about using the regex whitespace in Java.