Programming: Qt, Nim, Laravel, and Java
Internationalization and Localization Support for Safety Critical UIs
The upcoming Qt Safe Renderer 2.0 release contains many new groundbreaking features. This blog post illustrates internationalization and localization support.
Now you can conveniently design, implement, and verify safety-critical user interfaces for many languages. This feature brings the QSR on par with the typical Qt applications in ease of use. The localization has been possible with the already released QSR version, but now it is straightforward. Managing the data assets for language variants is easy with minimal effort.
You can use the example provided with the QSR to see how easy it is to use. The example includes ten different language variants. You can choose any number of variants you like for your application. You can switch the languages in your application on the fly. There is no reason to restart the application and the switch is instant.
Asmit Malakannawar: GSoC Update 2 — August
I published my last blog post about implementing a member addition form for Faces of GNOME. In this blog, I’m going to talk about my short presentation at GUADEC, as well as implementation of that feature and what things are left to do.
Top Tech Jobs and Skills According to Dice 2022 Survey
Data-related skills are among the most in-demand by employers, Dice says, noting that “SQL, Python (used frequently in data analytics), and AWS enjoyed some of the biggest growth in job postings between January and June.”
Qt Design Studio 3.6 Released
We are happy to announce the release of Qt Design Studio 3.6.
gintro GUI toolkit for Nim
I am new to Nim, and only started looking for a GUI toolkit a few days ago.
Stuart Langridge: Farmbound, or how I built an app in 2022
So, I made a game. It’s called Farmbound. It’s a puzzle; you get a sequence of farm things — seeds, crops, knives, water — and they combine to make better items and to give you points. Knives next to crops and fields continually harvest them for points; seeds combine to make crops which combine to make fields; water and manure grow a seed into a crop and a crop into a field. Think of it like a cross between a match-3 game and Little Alchemy. The wrinkle is that the sequence of items you get is the same for the whole day: if you play again, you’ll get the same things in the same order, so you can learn and refine your strategy. It’s rather fun: give it a try.
Make your own music tagging framework with Groovy |
In this series, I'm developing several scripts to help in cleaning up my music collection. In the last article I wrote and tested a Groovy script to clean up the motley assembly of tag fields. In this article, I'll separate the framework I've been using into a separate class and then write a test program to exercise it.
More than one Laravel on the same server
Recently I was asked if is it possible to run more than one Laravel instance on the same server.