Subtitles not in sync with the playback? Let's fix that
Quoting: Subtitles not in sync with the playback? Let's fix that. —
Using Linux can be difficult sometimes. But then, there are also situations where it's pure blessing. In general, if you have various maintenance tasks, especially around media files, it offers a wealth of easily accessible tools and utilities to get the job done. No need to heedlessly wander around the net downloading random programs from weird websites, especially not in this modern age of everything-is-fake Internet.
Well, if you happen to be a consumer of worldwide media and not just plain ole English, sometimes, you may come across a film or three that you won't be able to understand natively, and some subtitles be necessary. You want those subtitles to fit the narrative. Should that not be the case, ffmpeg can easily solve the issue for you. The offset function is simple, fast, elegant. One or two seconds [sic], and you're done. That would be all for today, fellas.