8 Of The Best MMORPGs To Play On Linux (Via Steam)
There are a lot of reasons someone might want to do their computing on a platform other than Windows. The fact that it’s filled with all kinds of useless software from the minute to start up your computer is one. Especially because some of it isn’t so easy to get rid of. Whatever the reason someone might want to use another platform, there is one thing that has long prevented many from making the move to something like Linux… Video games.
Don’t get us wrong. Gaming has been possible on Linux for a good while now. But the fact remains that it’s not always easy. Not every developer is willing to do the work to make their games playable on non-Windows platforms, and that means that the players have to make some choices: stay on Windows, do a bit (or a lot) of tinkering to get a game to work, or look for the games that run natively on the platform.
The good news is, there are resources to help Linux gamers figure all of that out. One of these is ProtonDB, which uses player reviews to keep track of how games run. Specifically, it tracks games available on Linux via Steam and then labels them from “borked” to “platinum”. Borked is pretty much like it sounds. Platinum means it runs perfectly with no tweaks needed on the player’s end. Our list includes Platinum and Gold games. Gold runs perfectly after a few tweaks. Anything below that is going to have some problems.