today's howtos
How to tune the Linux kernel with the /proc filesystem
Linux is an amazing and powerful operating system. More specifically, the Linux kernel is the source of many of its superpowers. I have been using Linux for 25 years and have used a lot of versions of the Linux kernel. I have even compiled the kernel a time or two in class and a few times just for grins.
Install Memcached on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux Server
Tutorial for learning the commands to install and configure Memcached on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa to cache data for PHP or Python-based applications.
Memcached is a BSD-licensed published cache server used by many organizations and website owners to quickly retrieve data from memory. It has been used by many users to improve the overall speed and performance of their dynamic websites with database connectivity to improve performance by avoiding disk access by storing important data in memory or by minimizing the call of complex and frequently used database queries – especially SELECT statements.
Data is provided with a unique key value and stored as strings in memory whereas the connection takes place to the Memcached server via the PROTOCOLS TCP and IP. The stored data can be either permanent or temporary. Well, in the case of temporary storage, the deletion of cached data will happen automatically after the configured interval of time.
How to set up wordpress in Ubuntu 22.04 with Mariadb and Nginx
WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. WordPress is one of the most popular CMS available today. is a hosted software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that lets you build a website using WordPress building blocks. It will cost you to host your website on the WordPress site.
The WordPress software is free and Open Source but to have it up and running you need to set up hosting. In this guide we are going with this option, setting up WordPress in Ubuntu 22.04 with Mariadb as a database with Nginx and php-fpm to serve wordpress.
How to Calculate Subnet Masks on Linux With ipcalc
Subnetting a large network improves security, increases performance, and organizes your network in a logical way. But some of the calculations are tough. The Linux ipcalc command makes the planning stage easy.