IPFS Growing Up
IPFS and their gateways
The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is according to the Wikipedia description: “a protocol, hypermedia and file sharing peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system.”. It works a little like bittorrent and you typically access content on it using a very long hash in an ipfs:// URL.
This approach has its biggest benefit of course when you can actually use a remote IPFS gateway. I presume most random ordinary users who want to access IPFS does not actually want to download, install and run an IPFS gateway on their machine to use this new power. They might very well appreciate the idea and convenience of accessing a remote IPFS gateway.
IPFS as a first-class citizen in FFmpeg, who’s next?
FFmpeg (opens new window) is the leading media framework that allows you to watch videos in almost any format. This framework is at the very core of many applications (think, for example, of OBS Studio (opens new window), KODI (opens new window), VLC (opens new window), and even some game engines rely on it). Allowing FFmpeg to handle the IPFS protocol enables IPFS usage in many more applications than previously possible.
This post will explain how native IPFS support in FFmpeg came to be, how it can be used, how it might affect you and what the future could potentially hold!