today's leftovers
Announcing the availability of two openSUSE mirrors in Mauritius
I was invited to speak at the event and I chose to explain a little about openSUSE, its different distributions and how we have managed to set up two mirrors to improve the performance of openSUSE updates in Mauritius.
Girish is a representative for OSCA Mauritius and he works at OceanDBA. He put all the effort into organising this event. At about 09h30, the conference room at Flying Dodo was almost full. Girish welcomed everyone and introduced the presentation themes for the day.
Rubenerd: Superficial Linux distribution reviews
Google’s search results for software projects, technical announcements, and questions have steadily been reduced to a mountain of spam and duplicate content wrapped with ads. The remaining original material also tends to be hastily produced, with only a superficial exploration and grasp of the topic they discuss before moving onto the next thing.
These define the ethos and practical applications of a distribution, and get to the interesting questions and points of difference people care about.
I don’t mean to criticise everyone here. For every churn factory producing low-quality clickbait (the Linux equivalent of those 5 Minute Craft lifehack videos), there are others who are breaking into the space and wanting to share their journey. We should encourage this! I just think with only minor tweaks and a few additional ideas, this content could be way more useful.
We need more authentic voices if we’re ever going to be heard over spammers.
RapidDisk Tutorial – Episode 2: NVMe Target Exporting – Random [Tech] Stuff
RapidDisk is an advanced Linux RAM Disk which consists of a collection of modules and an administration tool. Features include: Dynamically allocate RAM as block device. Use them as stand alone disk drives or even map them as caching nodes to slower local disk drives. Access those drives locally or export those volumes across an NVMe Target network.
The SDDM Login Manager Has So Many Amazing Themes - Invidious
Over the years, I've tried out a few different login managers for Linux. But recently, I have switched over to using SDDM mainly due to its choice of so many gorgeous themes. And it's easy to customize the themes to your liking!
Will v8 Isolates Coexist With Containers?
Long term, will v8 Isolates become the basis of a generalized computing platform, or will containers (or some other type of software container)? Or will there continue to be separate infrastructure, application, and edge runtimes? The isolation technologies are complementary today – they make different trade-offs with cold starts, security boundaries, and resource profiles. You'll find v8 Isolates powering edge functions like Cloudflare Workers (but not Lambda@Edge). However, there are many public and private companies working to make isolates more generalized – hardening the security boundary, improving the cold starts, and expanding the supported languages (through WebAssembly).