Games and Multimedia
Building Pong in Your Terminal: Part One
Pong is simple. There are only three sprites on screen, the level is always the same, and the game logic is pretty easy to code. This also seemed like a great project to help me start to wrap my head around Go routines and Channels, concepts that were completely new to me coming from Ruby and Python.
LinusTechTips built the ultimate Steam Deck. Or did they? - Invidious
391- Putting our Money where our mouths are – mintCast
First up in the news, Mint is coming, Lennart Poettering has left the building, Vim speaks a new language, WebApps come to GNOME 43, Fedora lets Flatpak out of jail and wants to talk, GTK5 is dropping the X, Linux gets Siri, er, Cortana, er, Carola.