Programming Leftovers
Uwe Friedrichsen ☛ (Un)coupling in distributed systems - Part 1
Coupling is a big issue in software design. With software landscapes becoming more and more complex, coupling painfully steps on our toes whenever we attempt to change things. Hence, we want to reduce coupling. On the other hand, without any coupling systems and their parts would not be able to interact. Hence, we need coupling – feels a bit like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
This is not a new discussion. It is at least 50 years old. Just to name a few examples: [...]
Bozhidar Batsov ☛ OCaml’s Standard Library (Stdlib)
OCaml’s standard library is called Stdlib and it’s the source of much “controversy” in the OCaml community. Historically Stdlib was focused only the needs of the OCaml compiler (many people called it “the compiler library” for that reason) and it was very basic when it comes to the functionality that it provided. This is part of the reason why libraries like Jane Street’s Base and Core (alternatives to Stdlib), and CCContainers (complementary extensions to Stdlib) become so popular in the OCaml community.
Bozhidar Batsov ☛ neocaml: a new Emacs package for OCaml programming
Why did I start a new OCaml package, when there are already a few existing out there? Because caml-mode is ancient (and probably has to be deprecated), and tuareg-mode is a beast. (it’s very powerful, but also very complex) The time seems ripe for a modern, leaner, TreeSitter-powered mode for OCaml.
Óscar Toledo G ☛ Porting Small-C to transputer and developing my operating system
This isn't your modern C compiler booting on a recent processor. Instead, you'll read about how I bootstrapped a tiny C compiler on a 1987 transputer processor, while providing it with a basic operating system, a text editor, and an assembler! This happened in 1995, when I was age 16.
This article is possible because I was so proud of my achievement that I saved most of the original files and source code in a single floppy disk. In fact, I had forgotten completely about it, except for my fond memories about porting the C compiler and my 32-bit operating system that grew fairly sophisticated, until recently I made a transputer emulator and I was looking at my archives. To my complete surprise, I found a pretty early version of my toolset. But let's go in parts.
Perl / Raku
Perl ☛ 2025-03-12 [Older] Future in Perl
Perl ☛ Why Deriv Supports the Perl Ecosystem
Our support of MetaCPAN stems from a clear conviction: foundational tools deserve sustained backing. While our new projects explore different technical approaches, we actively maintain: [...]
Bozhidar Batsov ☛ Updating my toolbox: Ghostty and Fish
I didn’t really have any particular issues with iTerm2 and Zsh - I’ve been using them for ages and they were both staples in my toolbox. Still, one can get bored even with good tools and I’ve always liked to tinker with new tools and look for ways to optimize my workflows. That’s my kryptonite!