today's howtos
Network World ☛ 10 Linux commands for testing connectivity and transfer rates
There are quite a few tools that can help test your connectivity on the Linux command line. In this post, we’ll look at a series of commands that can help estimate your connection speed, test whether you can reach other systems, analyze connection delays, and determine whether particular services are available.
Network World ☛ 7 time-saving Linux commands
Some Linux commands can make your time on the command line easier and more productive. This post covers some commands that can come in very handy.
Network World ☛ Showing memory usage in Linux by process and user
There are several commands for checking up on memory usage in a Linux system. Focusing on which processes and users are consuming the most memory can benefit from a few carefully crafted tools and commands.
HowTo Geek ☛ What Are Virtual Machines, and How Do They Work?
You’ve probably heard phrases like “Spin up a virtual machine” or “Try it out in a virtual machine.” But what are virtual machines, and how can you make use of them?
HowTo Geek ☛ 4 Ways to Make a File in the Linux Terminal
I'm a Linux terminal fan, always on the lookout for ways to perform common operations directly from the command line. One such operation I often perform in the terminal is the quick creation of a file. Several Linux commands allow us to create files without leaving the terminal.
Create Files With No Content
Sometimes, you just need a placeholder—a file that's empty and ready to be filled later. There are a couple of ways to accomplish this in the terminal. For example, you can use the touch command to generate single or numerous empty files, or use the redirection operator to create a single empty file.
HowTo Geek ☛ History of the Unix Terminal: How Video Killed the Printer Star
Before there were modern Linux desktops, people used terminals to interact with computers. How did they get from printing terminals to modern displays?
HowTo Geek ☛ The Internet From Your Terminal: 8 Ways to Use cURL
The curl command-line tool is one of the most useful and versatile programs you can learn. Its versatility and comprehensive HTTP implementation mean that, if there’s a URL for it, curl can do it.
HowTo Geek ☛ Every Linux File Has an Execute Bit. Here’s What That Means
The basic Linux file permission system is simple and robust, and it’s no surprise that it’s survived intact for over 50 years. But the execute bit is a confusing element, one that is worth understanding in detail.
What Is the Execute Bit and How Can I See What It Is?
Every file on a Linux system has a set of permissions that control what can be done with it: can it be read, written, or executed? There are three levels of user, each with its own set of permissions: the owner of the file (user), members of the group that owns the file, and everyone else (other).