today's leftovers
Linux Format 326
Pass Tux’s Hacking Academy! Have you got the l33t hacker skills to take Tux’s hacking challenge?
David Revoy ☛ XpPen Deco 01V3 - review on GNU/Linux
This article accompanies my video review of the XpPen Deco 01v3, a medium-sized screenless pen tablet. The video provides my in-depth look at the device's hardware. This blog post, on the other hand, focuses on the information and technical aspects of installing and configuring the device on a GNU/Linux operating system.
Distributions and Operating Systems
PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandriva/OpenMandriva Family
PCLOS Official ☛ PCLinuxOS Recent Updates
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software
Linuxiac ☛ FerretDB 2.0 Open-Source Document Database Goes GA
FerretDB 2.0 open-source document database offers 20x faster performance, MongoDB compatibility, vector search, and more.
Libre Arts ☛ ALSA Scarlett Control Panel 0.5
Geoffrey D. Bennett released a new version of ALSA Scarlett Control Panel aka “alsa-scarlett-gui”.
This software exposes extra controls over Focusrite’s audio interfaces for GNU/Linux users, and it does so in a sensible way: you get the minimum useful controls by default, the rest is displayed in additional windows.
Despite the name, the program supports both Scarlett, Clarett/Clarett+, and Vocaster devices.
Focusrite provides technical information and devices to Geoffrey—a very welcome departure from their past stance of not getting involved with Linux.
The major new change in the release is support for more audio interfaces: [...]
Open Source For U ☛ FOSS Tools You can Use to Secure Your Devices
A wide range of free and open source tools are available for use in digital forensics and to enhance cybersecurity. Here’s a quick look at some of them. With the abundance of data stored online and an increase in hacking attempts, cybersecurity and information privacy are now of utmost importance.
Web Browsers/Web Servers
[Repeat] Unicorn Media ☛ With Surveillance Giant Google Going Bye-Bye, Mozilla’s Evidently Found a New Money Stream… Selling Your Data
Mozilla is evidently selling your data down river, while continuing to brag about how much it's protecting your privacy.
Bryan Lunduke ☛ Time For Ubuntu to Drop Firefox?
With changes to Firefox's Terms of Use, many GNU/Linux Distros (Fedora, Mint, & others) are now shipping Spyware.