Web Browsers and Mozilla News
Rachel ☛ Summarizing the last 45 days of feed reader behaviors
In mid-January, I made an announcement that the feedscore system would be resetting the logs for a fresh start, and was bumping the URL along to cast off forgotten readers. This had the desired effect of focusing on those people who are actively involved and let the others start getting DNS failures without bothering my servers. Win-win!
Anyway, this means we now have about 45 days of data to look at, and it's possible to build a report based on the latest observed behaviors.
James G ☛ Noticing
Many of the changes I have made to Artemis, the calm web reader I maintain, come after noticing points of friction in my use of the software. Here are a few observations I have made that have guided some recent changes to the tool: [...]
Firefox Nightly: High Profile Improvements – These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 176
Tor ☛ New Release: Tor Browser 14.0.7 | The Tor Project
Tor Browser 14.0.7 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and also from our distribution directory.
This version includes important security updates to Firefox.
TuMFatig ☛ Web Browser in FreeBSD Jail: Librewolf
While discovering FreeBSD Jails, I wrote on how to run a web browser inside a FreeBSD jail. Time has passed and a couple of testing later, I ended up changing a bit the way I use my Web Browser jails.
Things I’ve changed: [...]