Collabora Outsources to Microsoft, Microsoft LF ('Linux' Foundation) Making Excuses For Nationalistic and Racist Policies
GamingOnLinux ☛ Collabora take over libsurvive development an open source VR lighthouse tracking system [Ed: Moving to GitHub sucks and means moving to Microsoft and proprietary tools]
Collabora have announced they've taken over development of libsurvive, an open source lighthouse tracking system for VR. It's now moved over to their GitHub to continue to expand.
The New Stack ☛ US Blocks Open Source 'Help' From These Countries [Ed: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols is a stenographer for LF; now he's talking for the LF in a Microsoft- and Microsoft LF-funded site]
When I became a programmer many moons ago, the last thing I ever thought I’d need to know about was intellectual [sic] property [sic] (IP) law. Oh well, more fool me. Now, a generation later, a new generation of developers find themselves faced with government regulations, which will complicate their lives.