BSD: Juniper, OpenBSD, and More
Scoop News Group ☛ New backdoor discovered that specifically targets Juniper routers
Researchers at Black Lotus Labs have uncovered an operation where a back door is dropped onto enterprise-grade Juniper Networks routers and listens for specific network signals, known as “magic packets,” to execute malicious commands.
Rafael Sadowski ☛ Manage OpenBSD with AWS Systems Manager
AWS Systems Manager (SSM) is a service that helps manage and automate tasks on systems running in AWS. It allows you to execute commands, manage configurations, and securely access instances without needing SSH. At the core of SSM is the SSM Agent, a small program that runs on your system and communicates with the AWS Systems Manager service.
BSDly ☛ 2025-01-12 [Older] Recent and not so recent changes in OpenBSD that make life better (and may turn up elsewhere too)
BSDly ☛ 2025-01-13 [Older] A Suitably Bizarre Start of the Year 2025