A stuff-a-thon is happening at the FSF, Jan. 24, 28
Quoting: A stuff-a-thon is happening at the FSF, Jan. 24, 28 —
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is hosting a donor mailing and needs your help to make it happen! Please join us from 14:00 to 17:00 EST, Friday, January 24, and Tuesday, January 28, at 101 Arch St, 2nd Floor Lobby, community space Regus, Boston, MA, 02110, to help us send out thank-you letters and welcome packets to all our supporters throughout the world.
Our associate members and donors are critical to financially sustaining our work of promoting computer user freedom, so your time will definitely be well spent.
We will provide you with gratis snacks with vegan options. As always, if you have any special dietary needs please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.
You can volunteer for one or both days, for the entire shift on the day, or for just part of it.