Games: Bazzite and Bad Apple
Forbes ☛ With SteamOS Expanding Beyond Steam Deck, Is It Game Over For Bazzite?
Bazzite is currently the GNU/Linux darling of the PC handheld space, but will it continue to exist in a post-SteamOS world?
Ruben Schade ☛ Bad Apple!! But it’s a fluid simulation
A colleague shared this Sebastian Lague video yesterday. One day I’ll stop being taken aback by how far this meme has gone, and the lengths people will go to recreate it. Amazing :).
Hackaday ☛ Bad Apple But It’s 6,500 Regex Searches In Vim
In the world of showing off, there is alongside ‘Does it play Doom?’ that other classic of ‘Does it play Bad Apple?’. Whereas either would be quaint in the context of the Vim editor, this didn’t deter [Nolen Royalty] from making Vim play the Bad Apple video. As this is a purely black and white video, this means that it’s possible to convert each frame into a collection of pixels, with regular expression based search and custom highlighting allowing each frame to be rendered in the Vim window.