Enlightenment 0.27 Desktop Environment Released
Quoting: Enlightenment 0.27 Desktop Environment Released —
After more than a year in making after its previous 0.26 release, the lightweight modular desktop environment and compositing window manager Enlightenment has just rolled out its latest version, 0.27.
Debuting an impressive 28 years ago—yes, that’s right, when GNOME or KDE didn’t exist yet—this project is one of the oldest still maintained open-source, desktop-focused endeavors. Remarkably, it continues to be actively developed, largely thanks to its original creator, Carsten Haitzler.
Enlightenment 0.27 Released! Easier CPU Power Tuning, New Sleep Options | UbuntuHandbook
Enlightenment, the extremely lightweight window manager and minimal desktop, released new 0.27.0 few days ago.
According to the official release note:
“This is the latest release of Enlightenment. This has a lot of fixes mostly with some new features.”
Nothing else!
OMG Ubuntu:
Enlightenment 0.27 Released with Bug Fixes, New Modules - OMG! Ubuntu
Though not as well known or widely used as GNOME, Xfce, KDE Plasma, et al, Enlightenment (often abbreviated as just ‘E’) differentiates itself through the use of Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL).
An assembly of modules, Enlightenment offers a lightweight window manager, compositor, and desktop shell built using Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL), plus a small set of native EFL-based apps including a file manager, photo viewer, and terminal.
Enlightenment’s aesthetics aren’t to everyone’s tastes (it’d be a boring world if it did; most of us opt for open-source operating systems because they don’t push or force uniformity on us) but nonetheless offers plenty of scope for personalisation and customisation.
What does the new Enlightenment release, which follows the 0.26 release from late 2023, offer?
Enlightenment reaches 0.27
Enlightenment is one of the granddaddies of Linux desktops, and after a couple of years, the project has a shiny new release.
Version 0.27.0 was released earlier this month, with possibly the shortest description in its release notes that we've seen in any FOSS project:
And that's all, folks. Enlightenment 0.27 does not stand alone, though: its graphics programming libraries have long been separated out as the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, or EFL for short, and along with Enlightenment 0.27 came EFL 1.28. This has a substantial Git commit list with many thousands of changes across 151 files.