Programming Leftovers
IOCCC ☛ The International Obfuscated C Code Contest
After a 4 year effort by a number of people, with over 6168+ commits, the Great Fork Merge has been completed and the Official IOCCC web site has been updated!
A significant number of improvements has been made to the IOCCC winning entries. A number of fixes and improvements involve the ability of reasonable modern Unix/Linux systems to be able to compile and even run them. See FAQ Section 4 for information on how to compile. See the FAQ Section 8 for details on changes made to the entries.
Jonas Hietala ☛ Jonas Hietala: A type checking error in Elixir 1.18
Although I’m a big Elixir fan, the lack of static typing has always been my biggest annoyance (and why I think Gleam is so cool). I think static typing helps catch bugs earlier and in an automated way, leading to less buggy software and saves time in the long run.
To my great joy Elixir is working on a new type system that will hopefully give us the early type checking errors I’ve been craving for. The system has been rolled out in steps since v1.17 and when I migrated to v1.18 I found my first type checking warning that I wanted to highlight.
Rohan Gupta ☛ Technical Debt is Entropy In Software
This is strikingly similar to the business lifecycle curve above! Indeed, prior art agrees that business and technology lifecycles are overlayed entropy curves [5].
Entropy in business is largely a representation of diffusion of a particular product, driven by the forces of supply and demand. While entropy is often likened to “disorder”, I like to use “disruption” - permeation of new (ink) into old (water). It is neither good nor bad, simply inevitable.
Perl / Raku
Perl ☛ GitLab pipelines and CI for Perl developers
In this virtual event we'll get an introduction to the GitLab pipelines that allow us to build a CI system.
Carlos Becker ☛ Testing only changed Go packages
Sometimes, working on big projects, running all tests locally take too much time.
This post is a quick shell script tip I use rather often: testing only the packages that have changes.
[Old] How Multi-User Dungeons Taught Me To Code — Carl Tashian
There were hundreds of MUDS at the time, and each one tried to differentiate itself. To differentiate Hex, the developers had created a custom, in-game world builder. Where other MUDs had to edit a flat text file with a confusing proprietary format, the in-game builder made writing worlds enjoyable and it allowed players to get involved easily. Yaz, Hex’s caretaker, had this to say: [...]