Best Free and Open Source Software
15 Best Free and Open Source File Synchronization Tools - LinuxLinks
There are two types of synchronization. In one-way file synchronization, also called mirroring, updated files are copied from a source location to one or more target locations, but no files are copied back to the source location. In two-way file synchronization, updated files are copied in both directions, usually with the purpose of keeping the two locations identical to each other.
With two-way file synchronization, two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.
Here’s our verdict captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style ratings chart. Only free and open source software is eligible for inclusion. Both command-line and GUI apps are included.
Mahogany - tiling window manager for Wayland - LinuxLinks
Mahogany is a tiling window manager for Wayland modeled after StumpWM.
While it is not a drop-in replacement for StumpWM, StumpWM users should be very comfortable with Mahogany.
There are two types of focus present in Mahogany: keyboard focus and cursor focus. When a surface is focused by an input device, it means that the device is sending events to the surface. Keyboard and cursor focus can be controlled separately in Mahogany, and there are various settings that control how focus moves from one surface to another.
This is free and open source software.
smash - find duplicate files super fast - LinuxLinks
smash is a command-line interface tool to smash through to find duplicate files efficiently by slicing a file (or blob) into multiple segments and computing a hash using a fast non-cryptographic algorithm such as xxhash or murmur3.
smash does not support pruning of duplicates or empty files natively and it’s encouraged you vet the output report before pruning via automated tools.
This is free and open source software.
Chalk - terminal string styling - LinuxLinks
Chalk bills itself as “Terminal string styling done right”.
Chalk is mature, reliable, and built to last.
This is free and open source software.