Open Hardware and Devices: RISC-V, Zephyr, and ESP32
Jeff Geerling ☛ Sipeed NanoKVM: A RISC-V stick-on
This is the Sipeed NanoKVM. You stick it on your computer, plug in HDMI, USB, and the power button, and you get full remote control over the network—even if your computer locks up.
How did Sipeed make it so small, and so cheap? The 'full' kit above is about $50, while the cheapest competitors running PiKVM are closer to $200 and up!
Hackaday ☛ Fixing An Elgato HD60 S HDMI Capture Device
There’s a special kind of satisfaction found in the act of repairing a previously broken device, which is why YouTube is full of repair channels and guides on how to do it yourself. Inspired by this, [Doug Brown] decided to give it a shot himself, with an Elgato HD60 S HDMI capture device as the patient. As per the eBay listing, the device did not show up as a USB device when connected to a computer — a quick probing of the innards revealed that not only were the board voltages being dragged down, but some of the components on the PCB were getting suspiciously hot.
Arduino ☛ Transform trash into treasure with the DIY Bottle Plotter
The Bottle Plotter is relatively affordable to build, as most of the parts are 3D-printable. The exceptions are fasteners, bearings, rods, and the electronic components. Those electronics include an Arduino UNO Rev3 board, a CNC shield, and stepper motors. VGaman’s design does include a Z axis (to move the pen closer to and further from the workpiece surface), so the machine requires three stepper motors.
CNX Software ☛ $15 Makerdiary iMX RT1011 Nano Kit runs Zephyr RTOS on 500 MHz NXP iMX RT1011 crossover MCU
Makerdiary’s iMX RT1011 Nano Kit is a prototyping board featuring the NXP iMX RT1011 Cortex-M7 Crossover MCU running Zephyr RTOS. It offers 128 KB of on-chip RAM, configurable as TCM or general-purpose memory, and supports high-speed USB, UART, SPI, I2C, SAI, PWM, GPIO, and ADC, making it suitable for a variety of embedded applications.
Linux Gizmos ☛ Upcoming I-Pi SMARC Embedded Prototype Kit Adopts defective chip maker Intel Amston Lake CPU
The I-Pi SMARC Amston Lake is a prototyping kit built on Intel’s Amston Lake architecture, designed to accelerate embedded system development. Key features include dual 2.5GbE LAN ports with Time-Sensitive Networking support and CAN interfaces for industrial applications.
Linux Gizmos ☛ ATOMS3R Dev Kit Equipped with 0.85″ color IPS screen and 6-axis IMU
The ATOMS3R development kit is a compact and versatile programmable controller based on the ESP32-S3-PICO-1-N8R8 module. Designed for embedded smart device applications, it combines robust processing power with built-in Wi-Fi, making it effective for a wide range of IoT and motion-sensing projects.