Self Hosting IRC: What are Your Options?
Quoting: Self Hosting Web IRC Clients: What are Your Options? —
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) might no longer be in the trend. But, it will always be a part of the communication platform, even when you read this article in 2050 or more.
It was popular back in the 2000s, and some still prefer it over modern chat clients like Slack and Discord. Several open-source project developers utilize IRC for real-time communication over proprietary options.
It just works and has performance benefits; you do not need to sign up for a company's specific terms and conditions to use it. Moreover, with some web IRC clients, you can expect some modern features like link previews.
You can always use an IRC desktop/mobile client and connect to a server. But, what if you want more control and host it yourself so you can access it on the web for your community and friends?