Fedora / Red Hat / IBM Leftovers
Red Hat ☛ GPU benchmarking and how to choose a GPU framework
This is the final installment of our 4-part series on GPU programming. Catch up on the previous articles:
With those topics covered, we can now move on to the subject of this article: how to choose a GPU framework/library.
Red Hat ☛ Distributed transactions with Jakarta EE 10 and WildFly
The idea for writing this article came about after a conversation with colleagues in the architect community reporting the difficulty of implementing a distributed transaction solution. The complaints were basically due to the complexity of implementing all the components necessary to deal with standards such as Saga, for example.
It is important to note that it is not the purpose of this article to make a comparison between distributed transaction handling models, especially the Saga pattern. Likewise, this article should not be taken as a criticism of the Saga pattern or the non-recommendation of its adoption.
My father was an excellent auto mechanic, and one of the things he taught us was that "to deal with every screw there is an appropriate tool." To paraphrase a more famous saying that warns of the danger that when we are convinced that a hammer is the best tool, we treat everything as if it were a nail.
Saga and other models for handling distributed transactions have their advantages and disadvantages. Knowing each model and standard well is essential for its proper adoption or adaptation. It is essential that the terms and requirements of the business are properly raised and clarified so that a decision on which approach to adopt, as well as which technology, is more successful and actually solves the business problem.
Fedora Project ☛ Fedora Community Blog: Heroes of Fedora – Fedora 40 Contributions
In this post, we’re shining a light on the unsung heroes of Fedora 40. Our community’s quality contributors have dedicated countless hours to testing, reporting, and improving Fedora. Here’s a deep dive into their achievements and the impact they’ve made.
CentOS ☛ CentOS Board Meeting Recap, August 2024
The recording of the August CentOS Board meeting is now available. Watch the recording Read the minutes The recording has timestamps so you can skip to the parts that interest you. Here are a few highlights of the meeting: Brian Exelbierd will be stepping down as Red Bait Liaison.
Driving Authentic, Meaningful Change
We do this wonderful thing in our Women’s Leadership Community (which is our internal women’s network at Red Hat) in the UK where we tell our personal stories, and mine is definitely wiggly.
TechCrunch ☛ Red Hat’s OpenStack Services are now generally available on its OpenShift platform
Red Hat offers a number of major infrastructure platforms, with offerings like the Ansible automation service, the Kubernetes-based OpenShift container platform and the OpenStack platform for those who are looking for an end-to-end service that can manage an entire data center. Last year, the company announced that it would tightly integrate these two platforms and bring its OpenStack Services platform to OpenShift.
How open source can democratize AI | IBM [Ed: Very shallow openwashing garbage from IBM, Red Hat Official ☛ promoted by Red Hat]
In a rapidly evolving AI landscape, open-source models can further accelerate the pace of progress and help expand access to all. In this episode of Smart Talks with IBM, Malcolm Gladwell sits down with Mo Duffy, Software Engineering Manager at Red Hat. They discuss InstructLab and the benefits of open-source technology, such as flexible deployment and the ability to enhance transparency, as well as the power of partnerships and collaboration. Mo explains how a community-based approach is essential for developing genuinely open-source AI.