Jack Wallen's Linux Commands
6 Linux security commands every new user should know | ZDNET
Most Linux distributions are considerably more secure than Windows out of the box. There are many reasons for that, including the inherent user and file permissions structure, the addition of underlying security technologies (such as SELinux and AppArmor), and the fact that it's open-source (so code can be vetted and peer-reviewed at any time).
Several commands that add to Linux's security are available at your fingertips. Some of these (such as iptables) are more challenging to work with than others, and they range from being obviously geared toward security to more subtle.
3 Linux commands I use for downloading files and how they're different | ZDNET
Have you ever used Secure Shell to access a remote machine, only to find yourself needing to download a file from a remote location? What do you do? Since you only have terminal window access to that remote machine, you can't open a web browser and download the file as you normally would.
Fortunately, these Linux commands make it fairly easy to download files from a local or remote location. I'm going to show you three: wget, curl, and scp.