Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
Hackaday ☛ Amiga, Interrupted: A Fresh Take On Amiga OS
Serena OS is not just another operating system—it’s a playground for hackers, tinkerers, and Amiga enthusiasts pushing vintage hardware to new limits. Born from modern design principles and featuring pervasive preemptive concurrency and multi-user support, [dplanitzer]’s Serena OS is far from ordinary. Running on Amiga systems with a 68030 or better CPU, it challenges traditional OS concepts by ditching threads in favor of dispatch queues, akin to Apple’s Grand Central Dispatch. The result? A dynamic, flexible kernel that combines forward-thinking design with retro charm.
Kev Quirk ☛ Building a Simple Journal
So with the list above in mind, I started looking for something that would tick most of my requirements. But unfortunately I couldn't find anything.
I've been teaching myself PHP lately, so I figured this could be a fun little project for me to build something that ticks all my boxes. So over the last few days I've been playing around with my text editor, and with a little help from DuckDuckGo and ChatGPT (I got stuck a couple times - like I said, I'm still learning PHP, and Chatty Geeps really helped) I've managed to build something that works for me.
The New Leaf Journal ☛ Implementing Boolean Search On NLJ
WordPress has built-in search functionality. However, this search functionality is not very good for websites with many articles. I enhance our on-site search with a simple and lightweight WordPress plugin called Relevanssi Light. Relevanssi Light is mostly set-it and forget-it. It uses full-text indexes that already exist in the WordPress-powered site’s server and delivers better results than the default search for a site like this one with many articles and words. However, there have been times when I want to quickly find a specific article that I wrote but our improved search is not quite up to the task. See for example my recent short posts about a typo and subsequently finding what I was looking for. These niggles, combined with my not being entirely satisfied with how our search handled a query I was testing, inspired me to look into extending our search functionality.
Terence Eden ☛ Replacing Twitter Embeds With Images
I logged into Twitter using a fresh account last week. No followers, no preferences set. The default experience was an unending slurry of racism and porn. I don't care to use Twitter any more. Whatever good that was there is now drowned in a cess-pit of violent filth.
I still have a lot of Tweets embedded on this blog. Using WordPress, it was easy to paste in a link and have it converted to an embed. But I don't want to direct people to a dangerous site.
So here's a somewhat automated way to replace embedded Tweets with screenshots.
SaaS/Back End/Databases
James G ☛ Building a NoSQL database in Python
Unlike a relational database (i.e. MySQL or PostgreSQL), NoSQL databases do not store explicit relations between records. Thus, there is no concept of a join in NoSQL; primary and foreign keys are not used, either. Instead, relations are dictated by how you model the shape of data, rather than what tables you create.