Top 13 Open Source Speech Recognition/TTS/STT/ Systems
Quoting: Top 13 Open Source Speech Recognition/TTS/STT/ Systems —
A speech-to-text (STT) system, or sometimes called automatic speech recognition (ASR) is as its name implies: A way of transforming spoken words via sound into textual data that can be used later for any purpose.
A text-to-speech (TTS) system, on the contrary, is a method to generate audio from textual data and files. You basically give it the text, and it generates the corresponding speech audio for it.
Both technologies are extremely useful.
They can be used for a lot of applications such as the automation of transcription, writing articles using sound only or creating audiobooks, enabling a complicated analysis of information using the generated textual files… and a lot of other things.
In the past, proprietary software and libraries dominated speech-to-text and text-to-speech technologies. Open source speech recognition alternatives didn’t exist or existed with extreme limitations and no community around.
This is changing, today there are a lot of open source speech tools and libraries that you can use right now.