Debian: Gunnar Wolf, Enrico Zini, New Developers and Maintainers
Gunnar Wolf ☛ Gunnar Wolf: Script for weather reporting in Waybar
While I was living in Argentina, we (my family) found ourselves checking for weather forecasts almost constantly — weather there can be quite unexpected, much more so that here in Mexico. So it took me a bit of tinkering to come up with a couple of simple scripts to show the weather forecast as part of my Waybar setup. I haven’t cared to share with anybody, as I believe them to be quite trivial and quite dirty.
Gunnar Wolf ☛ Gunnar Wolf: Scholarly spam • «Wulfenia»
I just got one of those utterly funny spam messages… And yes, I recognize everybody likes building a name for themselves. But some spammers are downright silly.
Enrico Zini: meson, includedir, and current directory
Suppose you have a meson project like this: [...]
Debian ☛ Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (May and June 2024)
The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months:
- Dennis van Dok (dvandok)
- Peter Wienemann (wiene)
- Quentin Lejard (valde)
- Sven Geuer (sge)
- Taavi Väänänen (taavi)
- Hilmar Preusse (hille42)
- Matthias Geiger (werdahias)
- Yogeswaran Umasankar (yogu)