Software: RAT Tools, Zed, and More
FOSS Post ☛ Top 7 Maintained Open Source RAT Tools
RAT or Remote Administration Tool is a piece of software that allows a user on one computer or smartphone to access another one and manage it remotely.
Linuxiac ☛ Zed Code Editor Now Available for Linux
Remember Atom, the popular code editor favored by many developers? After Microsoft discontinued it, some of its original creators launched a new project called Zed, which they designed to be even better. Although the editor was released for macOS, it wasn’t available on Linux. Well, that’s no longer the case.
In an exciting development for software developers using Linux, the highly anticipated open-source code editor Zed has officially launched for Linux platforms.
Web Browsers/Web Servers
Manuel Moreale ☛ Some more thoughts on TBC
Just to make it clear, what this company is allegedly making is a browser. It’s in their fucking name: The Browser Company. They’re not making a new internet. They’re not creating anything. As I wrote before, they’re not even making an actual browser like the awesome people at Ladybird. They’re building a wrapper around Chrome. This makes the CEO rant about browser monoculture even more hilarious since by doing that they're part of the problem.