Programming Leftovers
Jonathan E Magen ☛ DSLs Are Not For Muggles
Truthfully, I love the idea of Domain-Specific Languages. The whole concept of moving the tool closer to the problem at hand is wonderful. We’ve all seen it work, too. There are examples ranging from NASA to Terraform to Rosette to GraphViz/DOT. Each of these successful projects serves to showcase the utility and effectivness of DSLs.
So let’s keep DSLs aimed at programmers, where they belong.
Yoshua Wuyts ☛ Further simplifying self-referential types for Rust
I was skeptical about the possibility of this until I read about place-based lifetimes. With that it seems like we would actually have enough granularity to know how to update which fields when they are moved. In terms of cost: that's just updating the value of a pointer on move - which is effectively free. And it would rid us almost entirely of needing to encode !Move.
Perl / Raku
Perl ☛ 2024-07-04 [Older] Caching & Memoization with state variables
Perl ☛ 2024-07-04 [Older] Repository of examples using Perl and Assembly together
Perl ☛ 2024-07-04 [Older] Today I learned... #1: variable scoping in if-else blocks
Perl ☛ 2024-07-03 [Older] Perl Weekly Challenge 276: Complete Day
Perl ☛ 2024-07-02 [Older] Parallel Perl/C applications without tears using OpenMP: Controlling the OpenMP environment
Perl ☛ 2024-06-30 [Older] # Perl Weekly Challenge 275: Replace Digits
Perl ☛ 2024-06-28 [Older] Justifying Embarrassing Errors.