Security Leftovers
Security updates for Wednesday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (apache2 and cockpit), Fedora (firefox, kernel, mbedtls, python-cbor2, wireshark, and yyjson), Mageia (nghttp2), Red Hat (kernel, kernel-rt, opencryptoki, pcs, shim, squid, and squid:4), Slackware (firefox), SUSE (emacs, firefox, and kernel), and Ubuntu (linux-aws, linux-aws-5.15, linux-aws-6.5, linux-raspi, and linux-iot).
Security Week ☛ Chrome 124, Firefox 125 Patch High-Severity Vulnerabilities
Chrome and Firefox security updates resolve over 35 vulnerabilities, including a dozen high-severity bugs.
APNIC ☛ DNSSEC and .nz
A look into the recent .nz DNSSEC chain validation incident.
LinuxSecurity ☛ SPDX 3.0 Revolutionizes Software Management & Security
The SPDX 3.0 release marks a significant milestone in software management, particularly for GNU/Linux admins, infosec professionals, internet security enthusiasts, and sysadmins. The SPDX community, in collaboration with the 'Linux' Foundation , has evolved the widely used Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) communication format with a comprehensive set of updates, introducing new features and enhancements tailored to modern system use cases.
LWN ☛ Continued attacks on HTTP/2
On April 3 security researcher Bartek Nowotarski published the details of a new denial-of-service (DoS) attack, called a "continuation flood", against many HTTP/2-capable web servers. While the attack is not terribly complex, it affects many independent implementations of the HTTP/2 protocol, even though multiple similar vulnerabilities over the years have given implementers plenty of warning.
The attack itself involves sending an unending stream of HTTP headers to the target server. This is nothing new — the Slowloris attack against web servers using HTTP/1.1 from 2009 worked in the same way. In Slowloris, the attacker makes many simultaneous requests to a web server. Each request has an unending stream of headers, so that the request never completes and continues tying up the server's resources. The trick is to make these requests extremely slowly, so that the attacker has to send relatively little traffic to keep all the requests alive.