Announcing AlmaLinux 9.4 Beta!
Hello Community! The AlmaLinux OS Foundation is announcing the availability of AlmaLinux 9.4 Beta “Seafoam Ocelot” for all supported architectures: [...]
The AlmaLinux 9.4 Beta introduces updates to enhance machine security and data protection. Enhancements in web-console and system roles automate additional operations and promote consistency in complex IT environments. The new release’s features aim to improve system availability and reliability, facilitate easier recovery operations, and enhance virtual machine snapshot capabilities in hybrid cloud environments. The new system roles introduced enable the creation and management of logical volume manager (LVM) snapshots for improved data backup and recovery processes. Additionally, updates in the 9.4 Beta release continue to improve performance, scalability, and reliability for developers in building and managing applications.
FOSS Force:
AlmaLinux’s New Beta Releases Return Support for Devices Dropped by RHEL
An unexpected advantage of the decision AlmaLinux made last summer to no longer concentrate on being a line-by-line copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (which, until then had been AlmaLinux’s entire reason for being), while continuing to offer exactly the same functionality as RHEL, became evident earlier this month when the distro patched a security hole that Red Hat had decided not to fix in RHEL.
Back in the days of old, when Red Hat seemed good with distros such as Alma and Rocky cloning its code, that would have been a big no-no, because you can’t promise users that your code will be an exact copy of Red Hat’s code, then go adding patches and bug fixes that Red Hat’s not using.
The Register:
AlmaLinux 9.4 beta prepares to tread where RHEL dares not
The bigger RHELatives continue to diverge slightly from Red Hat, with additional drivers and newer kernel versions.
The AlmaLinux project has announced the beta of version 9.4, with some small but intriguing differences from Red Hat's plans for RHEL 9.4. The Alma 9.4 beta follows 20 days after Red Hat announced the beta test of RHEL 9.4 and RHEL 8.10.
As usual, the IBM subsidiary has a humongous set of release notes for the 9.4 beta, which in PDF form totals 167 pages. Highlights include new driver support for kit including Intel's Data Streaming Accelerator, NVMe-over-TCP, and support for DEP and the NX bit as early as the GRUB bootloader. Plus, at long last, support for Intel's Software Guard Extensions. It took Intel a few years to offer Linux drivers after SGX first appeared in 2013, and The Reg has been reporting on issues with the tech every year or two ever since.
AlmaLinux 9.4 beta is out: 4 reasons to consider it for your desktop
During my decades with the Linux operating system, I've often wondered why server distributions are so rarely considered for the desktop.
Okay, okay… I can already hear the naysayers out there. It's designed to be a server operating system, so it should only be used as such. I get that. But let's look at it from a different perspective. Security.