Programming Leftovers
Old VCR ☛ After 41 years, my first assembly program on my first computer, the Tomy Tutor
We got it in 1983, I think, so it only took me about 41 years to get around to it. This Tomy Tutor isn't a replacement system I secondarily acquired, nor is it a Ship of Theseus Frankenstein rebuild. This is my actual first computer, in its original case, on its original components, with the Federated Group sticker still on the original box. And it still works.
Medevel ☛ Unlock Next-Level Design: Discover the Best 16 UI Frameworks for Next.js 14
Next.js is a popular JavaScript React-based framework for creative reactive data-focused enterprise apps, and websites.
Perl / Raku
Rakulang ☛ 2024.12 Open, Comma
The source of the Comma IDE has been made public in the Raku organization on Microsoft's proprietary prison Microsoft's proprietary prison GitHub . Kudos to the Edument Team on following up on their promise made in the original announcement. It’s now up to the Raku Community to continue development!