today's howtos
How to Install and Configure FreeNginx on GNU/Linux (Ultimate Guide)
Maxim Dounin, one of the longtime core developer of the NGINX web server, left the company due to a different ideology and announced a separate fork of the project named FreeNginx. >
Anaconda Web UI on Fedora 40WKS KVM Guest deployed via Fedora-WKS-Live-x86_64-40-20240217.n.0.iso
Anaconda Web UI installer was tested step by step with encrypted root BTRFS volume and the most recent installer interface. KDE Plasma 6 RC2 was installed as second DE and smooth switching between DEs was verified
Dan Langille ☛ Moving local settings for pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf out of PGDATA
One of the configuration aspects of FreeBSD I have long liked is the concept of default values which are overridden by the user. For example, /etc/defaults/rc.conf (see The /etc directory).