Audiocasts and Videos: Linux in the Ham Shack, LibreOffice 24.2, and Krita Digital Painting
Linux in the Ham Shack ☛ (Linux in the Ham Shack) LHS Episode #532: Hams in Space
Hello and welcome to Episode #532 of Linux in the Ham Shack.
Document Foundation ☛ Video: New features in LibreOffice 24.2
LibreOffice 24.2 is our new major update, with new features, compatibility improvements, and performance boosts. Check out this video, with subtitles in 28 languages thanks to our awesome localisation community – or if you’d prefer to watch it on PeerTube, here’s a link.
David Revoy ☛ Tutorial Grayscale to Color - Krita Digital Painting - Character design
I just posted a new video tutorial! A commented step-by-step guide and advice on how to paint an original fantasy character design from scratch in Krita.