today's howtos
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Use the stat Command on Linux
The Linux stat command gives you more detailed file information than ls does. Here's how to use it.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Use the dig Command on Linux
The Linux dig command allows you to query DNS servers and perform DNS lookups. You can also find the domain an IP address leads back to. We'll show you how!
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Use the timedatectl Command on Linux
The Linux timedatectl command lets you set your time, date, and timezone for your system clock and your real-time clock. Spare a moment, and we'll show you how it all works.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Use the cd Command on Linux
Some Linux commands are so familiar, we don't even notice we're using them. The cd command for changing directories is one of these. There are some tricks that can help you become more efficient with cd—or you can ditch it, altogether.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Check the Linux Kernel and Operating System Version
Knowing your Linux distribution and kernel versions allows you to make important decisions about security updates. We'll show you how to find these, no matter which distribution you're using.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Use SUID, SGID, and Sticky Bits on Linux
SUID, SGID, and Sticky Bits are powerful special permissions you can set for executables and directories on Linux. We'll share the benefits—and potential pitfalls—of using them.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Use curl to Download Files From the Linux Command Line
The Linux curl command can do a whole lot more than download files. Find out what curl is capable of, and when you should use it instead of wget.
XDA ☛ How to install Anaconda on Ubuntu
Get into big science and machine learning with Anaconda on Ubuntu
TechTarget ☛ XML vs. YAML: Compare configuration file formats
Databases use data serialization languages, like XML and YAML, to transfer data between applications. XML and YAML have different strengths; admins should know how to use each correctly.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Check the Size of a File in Linux
The information about the directories is essential as it helps a Linux user to check and maintain the storage. Furthermore, checking the file storage is necessary to maintain the system performance and disk storage. Although there are multiple methods to check the file size in Linux, many beginners get confused in using them. So, in this short blog, we listed all the possible ways to check the size of a file in Linux without facing any error.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Kill a Process Running on Port in Linux
There are precisely 65536 ports in a device, all of which can simultaneously handle one network request. Despite being virtual, they are critical to your device’s functionality. They combine with your IP address and aid in establishing the client-server connections which is the fundamental need for accessing any website or service.
Moreover, Linux applications block a port for themselves whenever they communicate with their servers. It occupies a port for that process. For various reasons, you may sometimes need to terminate the process to save the storage and improve the system performance. However, if you do not know how to keep reading this blog, we will briefly explain how to kill a process that is running on a port in Linux.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Prompt Bash for User Input
Bash lets you write and build the detailed programs like every other programming language. The Bash scripting helps the developers to make outstanding programs as it is also an easy-to-learn but powerful language like Python and C++. However, many Bash beginners do not know the correct ways to write the scripts which can take the custom inputs. So, in this guide, we will discuss how you can prompt Bash to take the user input with the help of examples.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Run a Process in the Background in Linux
You must know the services that are running in the background if you run a command that takes much time to process. It is a crucial concept in process handling and can benefit you in different approaches. Furthermore, whatever process you send into the background runs independently which allows you to start another process alongside.
However, most users are unaware of its methods and are deprived of their devices’ most effective yet basic functionality. So, in this quick guide, we aim to explain how to run a process in the background in Linux.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Resolve the “Is Not in the Sudoers File. This Incident Will Be Reported” Error
Linux offers a robust user privilege management system with commands like sudo that let you perform the tasks with elevated privileges. The “sudo” command can provide the other users with the highest level of command over the system that is usually retained by the root users.
To use sudo, you need to be registered in the “/etc/sudoers” because this file determines if the user has permission to execute any task. However, many users face some unusual errors while using the “sudo” command.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Rename a Directory in Linux
Directories in Linux are folders that are used to store and organize the files. You can nest the directories, modify their permissions, create shortcut links to them, and more. Among these many features, you can also modify the name of a directory which is a fundamental task of Linux users. Moreover, it is essential to rename a directory to ensure an easy access and structurize the data.
Users often create temporary directories. But due to obvious reasons, they need to rename them later. However, many of them are unaware of the method that is used for this process. Don’t worry if you’re one of them because this guide will briefly discuss how to rename a directory in Linux.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Install TensorFlow with NVIDIA CUDA/cuDNN Acceleration on Debian 12
TensorFlow is a Python library for artificial intelligence and machine learning. TensorFlow can be used to train and create new AI models, import existing AI models, load the test data and check the performance of AI models, save the trained AI models, and so on.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Partition Disks Using Cfdisk on Linux
Cfdisk is a terminal-based interactive disk partitioning program. It is not as advanced as fdisk but it has an easy-to-use user interface. It is enough to do the common disk partitioning tasks.
In this article, we will show you how to partition the disks using cfdisk from the command line on the most popular Linux distributions, i.e. Ubuntu/Debian, Linux Mint, Fedora, RHEL, Rocky Linux, CentOS.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Run a Python Script in Linux
Python has become a trendy scripting language due to its unique features. Unlike other languages, Python lets you to write the complex programs in a concise and easily readable format. Moreover, it is a non-elusive and easy-to-learn language, and most of its applications fall in the artificial intelligence and machine learning industry.
Furthermore, it’s an object-oriented language that is packed with top-level data structures, dynamic binding, and dynamic typing. You can run it on all the most used systems like Windows, mac, and Linux. However, Linux users are unaware on how to execute the Python scripts on their devices. So, in this short blog, we will briefly explain how to run a Python script in Linux.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Fix ‘User Is Not in the Sudoers File’ Error?
In Ubuntu and its derivatives, when you try to execute the Linux commands as a regular user with administrative “sudo” privileges, you may receive the “Username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported” error. This error message blocks the ordinary users from running the administrative commands on your Linux system.
Linux Hint ☛ How to Install Cisco Packet Tracer on Debian 12
Cisco Packet Tracer is a network simulation tool that is used by students (Cisco certificate seekers) to simulate the Cisco routers, switches, IoT devices, and so on. This is a must-have tool to try out the Cisco commands and learn about the computer networking concepts.
In this article, we will show you how to download the latest version of the Cisco Packet Tracer installer for Debian and install it on Debian 12.