today's leftovers
Web Browsers/Web Servers
Google ☛ Chromium Issue Tracker migration beginning Feb 2, 2024 at 5pm PST
As we shared last year, Chromium is moving to a different issue tracker to provide a well-supported user experience for the long term.
Mozilla ☛ Mozilla Localization (L10N): L10n Report: February 2024 Edition
Please note some of the information provided in this report may be subject to change as we are sometimes sharing information about projects that are still in early stages and are not final yet.
While the amount of content has been relatively small over the last few months in Firefox, there have been some UI changes and updates to privacy setting related text such as form autofill, Cookie Banner Blocker, passwords (about:logins), and cookie and site data*. One change happening here (and across all Mozilla products) is the move away from using the term “login” to describe the credentials for accessing websites and instead use “password(s).”
In addition, while the number of strings is low, Firefox’s PDF viewer will soon have the ability to highlight content. You can test this feature now in Nightly.
PostgreSQL ☛ PGConf.BE 2024: Call for Papers & Sponsors
Announcing the Belgian PostgreSQL Conference 2024 is the fourth Belgian PostgreSQL conference in Haasrode, Leuven.
The conference will take place on May 7th, 2024. Registration for the conference will be opened later.
The Call for Papers is open until March 25th. Submit your talks by mail with the subject 'I love Elephants'.
The Call for Sponsors is open on
See you in Leuven in May!
Dedoimedo ☛ Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic works under Steam Proton
Comrades. Here's a glorious tutorial showing how to set up and run Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic, an industry and city building game, in GNU/Linux using the Steam Proton compatibility layer, including issue with audio playback for old saves ported from Windows, resolution using different launch options and WINE DLL override, game save import tweaks, some other observations, and more. Enjoy!
Tux Digital ☛ 82: GNU/Linux Bubble
On episode 82 of Linux Out Loud, we discuss whether GNU/Linux users live in a bubble. We explore the advantages of GNU/Linux on smaller devices, share experiences with the new Starlink internet service, and talk about the importance of reaching out to new users.