Programming Leftovers
James Bennett ☛ Compare strings the right way
It is the year 2023 — almost 2024! — and hopefully you’re using a programming language that is fully Unicode-aware. Python is; its string type is a sequence of Unicode code points, and has been since Python 3.3 (yes, 3.3 — see this older post for details of why 3.3 and not 3.0, but the short version for those familiar with Unicode is that in Python 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2 the string type, as with the unicode type of Python 2, was a sequence of code units, usually UTF-16 code units but sometimes UTF-32, and didn’t change to code points until Python 3.3),
Rlang ☛ Introduction to Time Series Analysis (with applications in R)
What is Time Series Analysis? I’ll explain what time series analysis is and why it was important to me to learn it.
Bozhidar Batsov ☛ Weird Ruby: Mixing Code and Data
That’s one of the many weird features that Ruby inherited from Perl1 and is useful when you’re playing with a single-file script and you need some test data.2 Not the most useful feature in a Rails application, though.
Perl / Raku
Perl ☛ Perl Advent Calendar 2023: Santa Kotlin is coming to Perl
This post starts with a long introduction to explain why I'm writing, but if you want to skip all of that you can jump directly to the meat and potatoes.
Rakulang ☛ Day 24 – Streamlining AI vision workflows
In this document we provide examples of easy to specify computational workflows that utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology for understanding and interpreting visual data. I.e. using “AI vision.”
The document can be seen as an extension and revision of some of the examples in previously published documents: [...]