Spacedrive, Areca Backup, and Games
Linux Links ☛ Spacedrive – file manager powered by a virtual distributed filesystem
Spacedrive is a file manager which seeks a different approach. It implements a VDFS (virtual distributed filesystem), a filesystem that works across multiple storage layers.
Medevel ☛ Areca Backup is a Free Backup and Recovery Solution for backdoored Windows and GNU/Linux Systems
Areca-Backup is a highly efficient and versatile file backup software that offers a wide range of features to ensure the safety and security of your data.
Chris ☛ Bet On the Outcome of the Poker Experiment!
Boiling Steam ☛ What Happened to the Native GNU/Linux Zealots? [Ed: Wow, wanting games to be compiled for something other than Windows makes one a "zealot"?]
It was not so long ago. If you were browsing Reddit for news related to GNU/Linux Gaming, while holding a beer after a long day’s work, you were bound to find them.