today's leftovers
Fedora Project ☛ Fedora Community Blog: Infrastructure & Release Engineering Update – Week 44 2023
This is a weekly report from the I&R (Infrastructure & Release Engineering) Team. It also contain updates for CPE (Community Platform Engineering) Team as the CPE initiatives are in most cases tied to I&R work.
The BSD Now Podcast ☛ BSD Now 531: Everlasting Software
OpenBSD 7.4, Making Software Last Forever, DragonFlyBSD Per-process capability-based restrictions, HardenedBSD September 2023 Status Report, NetBSD as a Kubernetes Pod, Firefox hardening with Arkenfox, and more
Positech Games ☛ Programming in just ONE language should be lauded.
I recently read about the news that garbage collection support, which was added to C++, is now actually being removed from it. Apparently most people didn’t use it, or even knew it was officially added, so it is no great loss.
Buttondown ☛ I shouldn't be so harsh on teaching TLA+ with puzzles