KDE Promo Sprint
Slightly over a week ago, I joined my first KDE Promo sprint! My only previous experience was the KDE Plasma sprint, which was very different: lots of developers, and much more development time. This sprint was more intimate and only lasted two days; I nonetheless enjoyed it quite a bit.
You can see me here working hard on promoting all, ehm,
We talked about the donation system and the issues we found with Donorbox; we also considered what perks we could offer to those who join as members. A nice example of that is adding their name - optionally - in the KDE Plasma launcher. I also proposed to create some sort of members-only newsletter or release news, but my idea wasn't that popular, given the open & transparent nature of KDE. I also proposed to replace Donorbox with ko-fi, which has the benefit of not taking any cut of the donations. This would require a lil' bit of work to make it a drop-in replacement, and further discussion with the fundraiser group, but it's a possibility.