Open Hardware/Modding Leftovers
3D-printed parts plus Pico power make for really decent headphones
The foam elements, tiny screws, and electronics are the only parts of Ploopy headphones that aren’t 3D-printed. Even the squiggly bendy headband piece which adjusts the size of the headphones is 3D-printed.
Practical magnetic switches make this electronic chessboard possible
An Arduino UNO R3 board monitors all 64 of those switches through a matrix similar to keyboard. When a player picks up a piece, the Arduino notes the square that changed states. Then, when the player puts down the piece, the Arduino records that square, too. It can then output PWM (pulse-width modulation) audio to an amplifier board that says, for example, “B7 to B6” using the Talkie library.
[Repeat] 100 SBCs, Python Flask, and two NUCs for MrBeast
This blog post explores our architecture decisions. Watch the companion video for more of the overall experience and challenges implementing the architecture.
Raspberry Pi 'Technoframes' Blast Custom Techno Music When Touched
The Raspberry Pi has proven to be a unique choice for quite a few musicians over the years. Today, we’re sharing a custom performance put together by artist Max Björverud, who’s using a Raspberry Pi to power his interactive art display. The project is called Technoframes and features artwork that plays techno music when you touch any of the hands in the pictures.